Who’s Responsible for This Mess?
Responsibility is a difficult task to nail down. Who wrote this? I did. Who am I? Your sad and glorious host. What does that mean? Welcome to my web page.
I am a person living in the United States, which will be unsurprising if you’ve found me here and read literally any of my backwards attitudes splattered on the main. My idea of what a “web page” can be was fossilized in my mind circa 1998, back when computers made sense, gol’dernit, and I hope my taste is reflected here.
I wanted to write things down. I wanted to give them up in small ways to the universe (this is not a renunciation of ownership, you slavering vulture pirates) and see if anybody wanted to read words—these words in particular—before the light finally left my eyes forever. So far: nope.
But there is hope! Here you are, reading this, thinking, “why did I read four paragraphs of this drivel that is supposed to be telling me “about” something, but is basically just a lot of words and noise?” I knew you were smart. I could tell when you walked in. The whole page is that. Short-form writing is great. It’s great! This isn’t that. It’s just some things.
Here are the boring parts. My name is Ben Gibbs. I write the words here. I write words other places also. Don’t take anything here as advice of any kind. This isn’t legal, technical, or good advice. In the end, you’re on your own and I’m not your lawyer, your mom, or even (chances are) your friend. The things I write here have nothing to do with things I write elsewhere, and they do not represent the opinions, attitudes, or wishes of any employer, associate, or other person including myself. I wish you the best and I want you to have joy.
Oh, and everything, even every real thing, is fiction. All of it. This web page, other web pages, me, you, the moon. It’s all fiction. Don’t take these things seriously and never tell anyone you read anything true here. This is a place for fictions, not half-truths.
Credits for the Audio Versions
Audio versions were read by the people credited. That includes:
Ruth Gibbs, Speaking Voice
James Gibbs, Piano (and piano compositions)
Izzy, Cello (and cello compositions)